The truth behind the vacuum impregnation |
Vacuum impregnation is the solution to leak proofing of parts. It offers improved machining and surface quality for painting and metalling. The hardened resin exhibit superior chemical resistance and elevated temperature stability.
The microscopic voids in the parts where potential leaks could occur are filled by low viscosity resin and sealed permanently. The parts leave the impregnating process without surface chemicals and can then be treated through turning, polishing, coating, etc. or just used in production. Lack of preliminary impregnation of parts for plating or painting causes penetration of chemicals like acids, alkalis, solvents, etc. deep into their structure that later affects corrosion of coating - a process which cannot be restrained.
Castings, powder metal parts, plastics, ceramics and other materials cause porosity problems of leaks or drop of working pressure. Production management is challenged to solve this problem due to increased production demands, scrapping decrease and increase of production quality and efficiency. Inherently, powdered metal parts have high percentages of voids. After sintering and loss of the wax binders, impregnation improves the machining the parts. The improved parts (whose voids are now filled with resin) make the material stronger and it becomes shock-resistant. As a result, the impregnated tools’ life is 10 times greater than before as well as their quality and dimensional control. Using the Vacuum impregnation, you will have 100% useful parts. You will also save all the expenses for scrapping revision as well as the expenses invested in parts machining which can often exceed the casting’s value. Typical Applications: - Pneumatic tool castings
- Automotive carburetors
- Engine blocks
- Water and fuel pumps
- Plastic molds
- Valves, manifolds
- Railway, truck brake parts
- Hydraulic pumps
- Steering gear components
- Compressor parts
- Powdered metal gun parts
- Regulators
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